Plugin Tag: alert
(0 total ratings)help you avoid a situation where you publish post but forgot to set title / tags / categories / faetured images / etc.
VGPodcasts AlertBar Plugin
(0 total ratings)Adds a configurable alertbar to the top of your Wordpress blog pages when enabled. Also adds a Dashboard Widget to easily turn the AlertBar on and off …
TCBD Alert
(1 total ratings)This plugin will enable Awesome Bootstrap Alert box in your Wordpress theme.
KiduNotifier Pixel Code Handling
(0 total ratings)KiduNotifier is the easiest marketing platform that leverages and automates the real power of website notifications to instantly increase trust, conve …
(1 total ratings)Add Google Alerts to any WordPress Page or Text Widget with a [WPGAlerts] short code.
Alert box for comments
(0 total ratings)Plugin creates button, that opens box and shows logged users 3 latest responds on their comments.
Site Notify
(1 total ratings)Display custom notifications, announcements, and alerts on your website without any struggle
Notification SMS – Custom Notifications SMS Plugin for WordPress
(0 total ratings)Customisable sms notifications for Notifications plugin. Send alerts easily via SMS.
Login alert by e-mail
(0 total ratings)This plugin sends email notifications to the website admin on successful and failed logins for each attempt. It helps the website administrator stay i …
Notice Box Block
(0 total ratings)A custom Gutenberg block to create a notice box with different types like info, warning, success, and danger.
Back In Stock Notify
(0 total ratings)Notify customers when out-of-stock products are back in stock. Collect email addresses and manage them in the admin panel.
(0 total ratings)Near real-time notifications on font-end, both push notification and popups. Applicable to post publish, comments and user registration.
Better Banners
(0 total ratings)Create and customize banners to display at the top of your website.